BLS 785-1
2011 Ford F450 Ambulance
This unit responds to medical emergencies and carries all of the equipment we need to help injured members of our community.

BLS 785-3
1999 Ford F350 Ambulance
This unit responds to medical emergencies and carries all of the equipment we need to help injured members of our community.

Utility 785
1986 GMC Suburban
This vehicle has 4-wheel drive and a winch and can be utilized to get to a patient in an area that we cannot drive the ambulances to. The back of the Suburban is stocked with medical supplies and has a stretcher

Special Services 785-1
1999 Ford Van
This Unit is our Cascade which goes to Structure Fires and fills the firefighters SCBAÂ bottles. This unit has an onboard air compressor, so it makes its own air wherever we are.

Special Services 785-2
1994 Ford F350
This unit previously served as an ambulance but since has been repurposed into our rehab unit. This unit can respond to any large-scale incident and aid the responders with Refreshments.

Rescue 785
2002 Pierce Rescue Truck
This unit responds to any type of Technical Rescue in the town and has an abundance of tools to assist in Vehicle Extrication, Rope Rescue, Water Rescue, Structural Collapse.

Car 785-1
1999 Ford Explorer
Chiefs Vehicle